Find me…

“- Before I’ve taken adventure to research my nearest long area “ Shoreditch”, which is full of amazing graffiti art.” I have research “Thierry Noir” artist. He is a French artist to be claim to be first street artist to paint the Berlin Wall. Thierry Noir paints brightly coloured cartoonic head images. I really like this work. Afterwards, I’ve researched his work in “Shoreditch ” area. I’ve found his painting on the doors in 157 Brick Lane, Doughnut and Coffee bar.                                           

In 80s and early 90s Shoreditch was surrounded by young people and alternative artist. At that time they was called “Vandals”. With the time, Shoreditch area became full of graffiti, what it is now accepted in contemporary world.                                                                                                               “- I’ve become with the idea to explore Thierry Noir’s work in different area of London.I wanted to examinate people’s understanding about his work. I wanted to ask random people on the Oxford street if they’ve seen and knows his work.”

I’ve chosen “Oxford street” area to examine people’s knowledge to Thierry Noir’s work.                                                     My project was called “Find me…” “- I have redrawn work of Thierry noir on the carbon with different of colours. I’ve replicated his art and placed in Oxford street. I looked at people how they are reacting to the artwork. I’ve taken interviews by asking random people about the artwork and if they knowns Thierry Noir artist”. I have recorded the short questioner about the artwork of Thierry Noir artist. Unfortunately not many people knows his work, but they really liked interpretation/ copy of his work.                                             -Evaldas Gulbinas